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Commonly seen disputes regarding Wills

Commonly seen disputes regarding Wills

Disputes involving wills, trusts and estates have been on the rise over the years, with the pandemic as a contributing factor and the rise in ‘DIY’ wills. There are a number of potential reasons which may explain why such claims are so frequent and on the rise. We...
How your clients can lessen the impact of IHT

How your clients can lessen the impact of IHT

An inheritance tax bill is becoming a threat for more and more families amid soaring house prices and the frozen inheritance tax threshold. While most people won’t be affected by the tax, inheritance tax receipts have been increasing year-on-year – with HMRC...
Gaining will writing leads through social media

Gaining will writing leads through social media

What are social media leads? Social media leads are potential future customers. Any time you collect information from a social media user that will allow you to follow up with them, you’ve got yourself a new lead.Whether it's their name, or maybe you’ve got an email...