Once you’ve generated that client lead, it’s important to ensure that you’re maximising your opportunities as an estate planning consultant, by identifying other needs for your client. Here are 6 ways to maximise your profits and truly take care of your client. If you want more ideas for growing a successful business, then download the "Step By Step Guide To Becoming An Estate Planning Consultant"
1. Explore all options relevant to the client
The first thing to do is to discuss the various options that may be available to your client. Make sure you understand not only their financial situation but also their family structure and their overall unique situation. Commonly, clients will often start with the statement ‘I only need a simple Will’ . Whilst that may be true in a few instances, we all lead complex lives for which a simple will may not be the best solution.
2. Discuss Trust options
Where there are added complexities such as second marriages, blended families, vulnerable beneficiaries. Think about other concerns that need to be addressed, will trusts or even lifetime trusts could be a consideration. It’s certainly not unusual for property trusts, discretionary trusts or vulnerable persons trusts to be appropriate. Do keep in mind that trusts are the basis of the very fabric of modern society i.e property ownership and mortgages for example. Contrary to popular belief, they’re not just for the rich and famous but indeed for many of us.
3. Don’t forget Lasting Powers of Attorney
Often something of a poor relation to Wills, considering what may happen to our affairs should we need additional support or become incapacitated is vitally important. Many people give some thought to what would happen to their assets in the event of them passing away, but less consider the issue of mental or physical incapacity and the practical issues that can arise as a consequence.
4. Widen your scope beyond your immediate client
When supporting a client to get their affairs in order, there are always other people involved in that planning. Think executors, trustees, guardians or witnesses – do these people understand what their roles actually are? Have they got their own affairs in order? Can you assist with the Will signing and meet these people and explain their roles to them? You’ve got a fantastic opportunity to help a great number of additional people as a consequence of assisting your initial client contact.
5. Don’t be shy, ask for referrals
If you’ve provided your client with a great service and they are happy with the help you have provided, don’t be shy in asking them to recommend you to their network. Recommendations to friends and family will go a long way in helping to grow your business. You’ll be surprised how many people need your valuable guidance. Create a ‘recommend a friend’ incentive, an effective way to spread the word about your services.
6. Schedule regular reviews
Your clients will need your ongoing support as their personal circumstances change. Think about marriage, divorce, children or indeed receiving an inheritance themselves for example. You should always stay in contact with your clients to ascertain if their existing will still meets their current circumstances. Tax laws and other legislation can also change from time to time. This will have an impact on clients personal planning. It’s important that you encourage your client to keep in touch.
There are always opportunities as an estate planning consultant, for you to deliver a great service to your clients and to maximise every engagement point. You just need to be open minded and willing to go that extra mile for your client and for your business.