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Options for becoming an Estate Planning Consultant: What are they?

When you first start looking at your options for becoming and estate planning consultant, it can seem a challenge to decide which one fits your circumstances, so we thought we would write a quick post to help you decide the best direction for you. We also recommend that you download our Step By Step Guide To Becoming An Estate Planning Consultant in which we share ideas and insights to what we have seen working over the past 25 years.

Where are you now?

You may be an existing IFA, mortgage adviser or equity release adviser looking to build an additional strand to your business. Or, it may be that you’re looking to set up an entirely new business identity in terms of an estate planning practice. Or perhaps you’re looking to build upon and leverage upon the foundations of an established brand such as Beneficial Trust & Will Co.

There are a number of different routes that you can take to becoming an Estate Planning Consultant and it’s very much dependent upon your own personal circumstances and situation. The important thing to consider is that you do have choices as to how you deliver this valued service to clients but also build a solid revenue stream.

What you will need to become an Estate Planner

As your back-office support team, we can help you to develop an additional trading arm to your current IFA or Mortgage practice. We can help you to train you or your team to take client instructions and we provide the document drafting services meaning you can get on with what you’re best at, speaking to clients.

With the freedom to set your own direction and focus on your business growth goals, we will be with you every step of the way in the background to ensure your clients receive the right guidance and documentation whilst you focus on building your business brand.

Alternatively, you may wish to build upon our established trading history and build you business as an associate of Beneficial Family Wills, our client facing business identity. On this basis you can adapt our marketing materials, digital presence and business identity to get straight to work without having to start from scratch. We set up www.beneficialadvisers.com for this reason. It allows you to use our BFW brand, including your own CRM software, marketing tools and 12 page website as part of the package as well as the benefits of our back office expertise.

One of the great aspects of working with Beneficial Trust and Will Co is that you’re in the driving seat of your business. You can choose how you wish to work with us and on what terms.

So book a call today and lets talk about the next steps in your Estate Planning Consultant journey.

The Ultimate Guide To Becoming An Estate Planning Consultant

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