The following information has been put together by the Institute of Professional Willwriters to help provide guidance on meeting with clients in their homes during lockdown and the precautions you should take:
Before arranging the meeting:
a) Confirm with your client whether you have tested positive or suspect you have had the virus, when and the severity of the symptoms, so they can assess the risk.
b) Confirm with your client whether they have tested positive or suspect they have had the virus, when and the severity of the symptoms, so you can assess the risk.
c) Confirm with your client that they are not shielding, self-isolating or quarantining due to actual or potential exposure to the virus.
Obtain written client authority:
a) You must have permission to visit the client in their home/garden/patio/deck area. This should be by email confirming that it is ok for you to visit them AND whether they are happy for you to visit them inside or only outside the house. This must be kept with your client files.
b) You must have confirmation that you can meet whatever Government restrictions/guidelines are currently in place regarding social distancing or any other measures e.g. wearing a mask or gloves.
When travelling to a client it is best to travel alone and in your own vehicle rather than use public transport. Check that your car insurance covers you for travel to the client’s house.
a) Ensure you have the client documents and/or the attestation form with you for the client, just in the unlikely event you are stopped you can show evidence of where you are going and why.
b) Have a copy of the visit agreement confirmed by the client with you also.
c) Have some business cards with you to provide proof of business.
Before entering the client’s garden or house:
a) You MUST wash your hands thoroughly before leaving your home / the office.
b) You MUST use appropriate high alcohol hand sanitiser before leaving your car. If meeting the client in their garden, you should not enter through the house.
On entering the client’s premises:
a) You can greet but MUST avoid contact and not shake hands.
b) You MUST wear an appropriate mask (if asked to do so) and vice versa.
c) You MUST wear appropriate gloves.
d) If meeting the client inside their home, maintain good ventilation if possible e.g. keep windows and doors open. Internal doors should be left open to avoid unnecessary contact with door handles.
During the client meeting:
a) You MUST continue to use hand sanitiser, as and when deemed appropriate.
b) You MUST not touch anything you don’t need to touch or exchange any items unnecessarily e.g. pen.
c) Do not move around the house unnecessarily.
d) You must remain socially distanced at all times.
On leaving:
a) You MUST not shake hands.
b) You MUST use appropriate high alcohol hand sanitiser on returning to your car.
If you are unsure about meeting with clients or how to get documents signed in line with lockdown guidelines please just call us on 01522 500823 and we'll help advise on best precautions.