
01522 500823

Referrals – the opportunities from a Will (part 2)

So if you're writing a Will for a referred client, as part of the fact finding process it can reveal a host of other opportunities for your services and clients!


For example:

So you’ve secured a referral from a client to do their Executors wills. The executor may firstly check out your web site or social media to help them validate the great testimony they received from your client. So make sure the information is all up to date!


Once you sit down with the referred client, as part of the Will process you will complete the estate valuation report at the start of the BTWC will instruction form and this process will reveal some potential further opportunities for your business:


Common Scenarios the arise from a Will fact find;


  • Their mortgage is shortly up for renewal
  • They are not sure that their life insurance is still sufficient for their needs now they have had a child since establishing the initial policy
  • One client is the main earner and they are concerned that if something happened to them, the surviving partner wouldn’t have enough money to maintain a standard of living even if the life insurance paid off the mortgage i.e. Family income benefit.
  • One of the clients has recently inherited £150k from their deceased father and is considering investing i.e. a buy to let mortgage or other investment advice
  • The clients don’t think they will have sufficient pension income when they retire in 18 months (equity release)
  • The clients have multiple pension pots that they have accrued over the year and have lost contact with some providers i.e. full pension review required
  • The clients have built up a small savings pot and now wish to save regularly a fixed amount each month for the children i.e. savings and investment advice.
  • The clients are business founders and are generating an excess of cash i.e. guidance on purchasing business premises or investing surplus income into pensions.
  • The clients are business owners with no arrangements in place in case of the death of one of the directors i.e. keyman insurance, cross-option purchase arrangements


The above information can be invaluable in identifying how you can fully meet your client needs.

Just by completing the fact form it can lead to the writing of a will and potentially an LPA or trust which can deliver financial gains, including:

  • an LPA case value of £250 per person (usually 2 LPAs a person or 4 per couple!),
  • a Lifetime Trust could generate £1,000
  • a Probate case could be worth £2,000.


Plus all of the above!

So the financial opportunity is there – it’s just tapping into it!


How to gain referrals in Estate Planning!


Estate planning is the icing on the cake, the attention to detail and a means to separate you from your competition. adding estate planning services has equated to significantly more referrals, as this service provides a competitive advantage in the market

A referral will search for you online – to either have a look at your website or your social media.

Show any online reviews from other clients – people trust people online – rightly or wrongly!


Contact the team on 01522 500823 to discuss how you can identify the referral opportunities in your current client base!

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