
01522 500823

Overcoming client objections and creating opportunities

Supporting your client needs is at the centre of what you do when working in financial services, and you can often be faced with some resistance to the solution you are offering, either through a lack of understanding, a perhaps lack of trust or a misunderstanding of the product, it's about overcoming client objections and creating opportunities.

By being faced with objections then hopefully you get the opportunity to talk more about the product or service and show your knowledge, credibility and ability to provide something that is right for the client – it can become a great opportunity.

Providing more information or a persuasive counter argument will enable you to engage your client in your proposition and allay their uncertainty. It’s worth having a list of commonly raised queries and developing credible responses to improve the clients understanding of the value you are offering.

Wills and Estate Planning is a common area where people feel it’s a subject they do not really wish to approach, particularly if they have not had a life trigger to consider the solution. But there are response that can open up the door to understanding and willingness to find out more.


Common responses include;

  • I don’t need a Will or Lasting Power of Attorney, I’m too young

Unfortunately accidents and illness can happen at any time regardless of age – it’s why so many people have life insurance. If the worst was to happen, with no Will in place, then your family will have a much more complicated state of affairs to unravel.

An LPA is about planning now for the unknown and ensuring you have the power now to make decisions about your own future.

  • My family will inherit everything anyway

This is not necessarily the case, especially with young children involved. Are you aware of how the rules of intestacy actually work? Sorting out the Probate process will become a lengthy and costly process, and may cause friction amongst family members. The Courts may become involved and the whole affair could become very upsetting.

A Will is the only way to ensure the people you want to inherit actually do!

  • It’s a simple estate to administer for probate, I can do it myself

Do you really want to deal with all the paperwork – gas, electricity, banks, memberships? Effective estate administration means that all legal and financial liabilities are taken care of for you at an extremely competitive cost payable by the estate, not you.

Objections create opportunities for you to show exactly what you have to offer to your clients.


Why not call us for a chat about how you can meet more client needs, quickly and easily with BTWC - call 01522 500823

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