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BTWC receive Cyber Essentials Certification

We are very pleased to announce we have now received our Cyber Essentials certification. Cyber Essentials is part of the Governments cyber essential scheme to encourage businesses to focus on five key areas of technical security.

The key five areas identified by the government are:

  1. Have a secure internet connection
  2. Secure all devices and software used by the business
  3. Control access to data in the business
  4. Protect from viruses and other malware issues
  5. Keep all devices and software up to date


These five basic controls within Cyber Essentials were chosen because, when properly implemented, they will help to protect against unskilled internet-based attackers using commodity capabilities – which are freely available on the internet.

At BTWC our commitment to our cyber security for the long term has meant that we have strengthened our digital defences and can clearly demonstrate our commitment to working securely for our members and clients. By undertaking this certification we are committed to ensuring the integrity of the data we hold to protect against viruses, hackers and malicious malware.

We worked with IASME who are one of just five companies in the UK eligible to provide Cyber Essentials certification. They provided independent verification that we met the required standards to achieve the certification. Organisations that undertake Cyber Essentials are encouraged to recertify at least once a year and, where appropriate, progress their security.

Amy Peters, Head of Operations, comments “We work with a lot of client data, most of which is of a sensitive nature, and with the digital progression of collecting, processing and storing all this data we felt it was imperative to show our commitment to ensuring its safety. By gaining this certification, and our commitment to review it annually we can hopefully provide further assurance to clients regarding the safe-keeping of their data, and our understanding of how important this is to people.”

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