Insights Blog

How To Avoid a Will Dispute
Creating a Will is a vital step in securing your clients legacy and ensuring that their wishes are honoured after they have passed away. However, even with the best of intentions, poorly planned or unclear wills can lead to disputes among families and...
Estate Planning
Lasting Powers Of Attorney
What is a Business Lasting Power of Attorney?
A business Lasting Power of Attorney allows your client to appoint someone they trust to make...
What is involved in becoming an Estate Planning Consultant
Estate Planning and Will writing is a critical aspect of financial and legacy planning that can...
Can a Will be changed after death?
In the realm of estate planning and testamentary matters, the Last Will and Testament holds a...
Commonly seen disputes regarding Wills
Disputes involving wills, trusts and estates have been on the rise over the years, with the...
How your clients can lessen the impact of IHT
An inheritance tax bill is becoming a threat for more and more families amid soaring house prices...
BTWC Director named IPW ‘Willwriter of the Year 2023’
Beneficial Trust & Will Co are delighted to announce that their Director, Amy Peters, has been...
Gaining will writing leads through social media
What are social media leads? Social media leads are potential future customers. Any time you...
Taking Instructions from clients – the fundamentals
When meeting with a client to discuss their estate planning requirements, it’s always useful to...
The FCA Consumer Duty: Safeguarding your clients interests when writing a will
Writing a will is a crucial aspect of financial planning that often gets overlooked. It's a task...
How a blog on your website can help your business
Want to grow your website traffic consistently, attract new customers, build loyalty with current...
The revocation of a will after marriage
Marriage invalidates a Will, unless it was written in contemplation of the union. This means that...
What happens in probate when there is no will?
The process of probate is conducted after a person dies. Their property, money, financial affairs...
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Hillcroft Lodge, Hillcroft Business Park, Whisby Road, Lincoln, LN6 3QL