
01522 500823

Beneficial Trust & Will Company can provide assistance and guidance on what to do when someone dies. At such a difficult time it can be overwhelming for those that are left behind to deal with the legal processes that need to be conducted in order to settle the deceased’s estate.

We can help provide comprehensive support with the following for you and your clients:

  • Establishing the existence and validity of a Will (if not a BTWC Will)
  • Requirements for statutory notices and the Probate process
  • Collecting and collating the deceased assets
  • Paying off the deceased persons debts and liabilities
  • Establishing beneficiaries and inheritance rights
  • Distribution of property and assets to the correct beneficiaries at the correct time
  • Estate accounts (including tax calculations).
By becoming a member of BTWC we will show you how you can guide your clients when discussing Estate administration with them. We will also help you identify potential opportunities to support the growth of your business. All legal services are conducted by our SRA regulated and fully approved legal partners.

If you would like to find out more about how you can add our Estate Admin and Probate service to your product portfolio call us on 01522 500823.

Sign up online to become a BTWC Member today!