Will & Estate Planning Consultant
We are seeking individuals who are ambitious self starters who want to build themselves an Estate Planning business for the long term. We have been providing Estate Planning and Will Writing services to Independent Financial Advisers and Estate Planning professionals across England and Wales for over 20 years and as we continue to grow we now have further business opportunities for Will and Estate Planning consultants across the UK.
Estate Planning is a growth sector with clients becoming increasingly aware of the need for a Will or Lasting Power of Attorney but they are unsure of where to go for the right advice and support. Clients need access to professional advisers who can guide them through the most appropriate solutions to meet their needs and we can provide you with the training and knowledge to deliver this. To make sure all of our consultants are fully confident and equipped, we provide comprehensive training and can even sponsor you to gain your professional accreditation with the Institute of Professional Willwriters should you wish. You'll be able to guide clients on aspects such as
- Simple and complex Wills
- Trusts
- Business planning
- Co-habitee planning
- Lasting Powers of Attorney
- Funeral Plans
- Estate Administration and Probate Services
Your initial and ongoing income earning potential by becoming a Will Consultant is limited only by the effort you put in and whilst experience in the financial or legal services sector would be advantageous, good interpersonal skills and the ability to network will generate a solid client base. Will Consultants should be confident enough to seek their own referrals based on providing a quality service to clients, supported all the way by Beneficial Trust & Will Company.
This role should be considered as "supported self-employment" in that you can choose your own hours or perhaps run your Will Consultancy alongside other business interests without any expensive overheads or expenses. We'll be by your side every step of the way to provide guidance on everything from conducting a successful client appointment to answering any technical questions that may arise.
You might be a mortgage adviser, financial adviser, accountant or estate agent looking to offer valuable additional services to your clients. You might be looking to build an entirely new business with flexibility to work when you want to and generate a good level of income. Either way, we'd love to speak to you to see how we can work together to help you build a successful Will and Estate Planning Consultancy.
To enquire about this opportunity, please contact;
Amy Peters, Director of Operations – amy.peters@btwc.co.uk
You can also book a no obligation call to find out more by clicking this link