
01522 500823

Prospecting without tears

Does your business need:

More income
Easier prospecting
No risks
Free referrals
No clawback


Do you want access to:

  • Free indemnity cover
  • Ongoing technical product support
  • Regular email updates on sector changes and product knowledge
  • Free zoom seminars
  • Industry leading training



You could get a ready-made business with multiple income streams with ongoing help and support!


Generate more income - the opportunities!

2 out of 3 adults in the UK do not have a valid Will - that means there is a potential 28 million client bank. How often have you returned to existing clients, maybe months or years later only to find they still have ignored your advice to make a Will!

More than 70,000 people each year are forced to sell the family home to pay for long term residential care! Your clients can protect their assets with proper planning and use of the right products for the right reasons!


Generate more prospects

The opportunity to open an existing client bank - develop new prospects from the appointment of Executors, Trustees, Guardians and Witnesses all are free and compliant.

We can show you how to maximise the opportunities from each Will with the possibility of 7 additional new clients and their families. The average client bank of 350 clients = 3000 additional prospects - providing an injection of much needed income and your clients stay yours!


Increase your earnings

You could earn as much or more than £1500 on certain cases whilst you should certainly earn between £125 to £300 as a minimum with the opportunity of generating free leads from referrals. Plus if you have clients who wish to preserve the family home for future generations and remove it from Probate provide bloodline planning and the possible ringfencing of care bills then you could earn £1500 per case or more!


No risk

All Wills and associated documents are covered for up to £2m by our own Professional Indemnity Insurance policy underwritten by Lloyd syndicate member and provided currently at no cost to any BTWC Ltd member.

Beneficial Trust & Will Company are associate members of the main UK's leading self-regulatory bodies; The Institute of Paralegals, The Institute of Professional Will Writers and The Society of Will Writers, BTWC Ltd are one of the few Will & Estate Planning companies in the UK who are directly regulated by all three, and we are also fully registered with the ICO for GDPR and VAT registered. We are also Cyber Essentials accredited helping to further assure you of our credentials and professionalism towards you and your clients!


Tried and tested

We have been providing our services to our members since 1999. Having worked across thousands of different client cases and scenarios, we work with almost 2,000 advisers from all over the UK, from a number of networks, increasing month by month. Plus remember that your clients stay yours!


In House Legal team

We have our own in-house legal Team, who are professionally qualified and provide a complete range of products designed to help you generate that all important additional income from any existing client base plus gain the opportunity to generate quality referrals.

These products are a mix of non-regulated and regulated products, so we also conform to the legal code of conduct in all our dealings with you.

We provide a specialist selection of simple Trusts designed to protect your client’s property from future high probate costs and provide bloodline planning, potential IHT savings and much more!


Join BTWC Ltd today

So, if a prospective client or existing client is looking to have their Will written or preserve their family home for their children and NOT the state and are searching for an accredited Instruction Taker - they will also benefit from the other services that you can offer!

And YOU EARN money in the process with NO risk!!

There are NO monthly fees and NO ongoing costs to you

Interested? Then don’t leave it any longer call us on 01522 500823 or have a look at our memberships to see how simple it can be to earn in excess of £500 to £1500 from each of your existing clients (and no claw-back).

You have a duty of care to provide 'best advice' not only to your clients but also to those that depend on them!

Help us to help you to help your clients retain their assets & increase your income!


Training and workshops

Have a look online for our next training workshops and to book your place!

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