
01522 500823

Additional Resources

If you are looking for other resources which have not been listed under the other sections in the Member Zone, then check below and if you can not find what you are looking for, please feel free to reach out to the team on 01522 500823.

BTWC Members Client Instruction Forms

Intestacy Decision Tree

What happens if you don't have a Will in place? Download this graphic to help you advise your clients on the rules of Intestacy.

BTWC Members Client Instruction Forms

Anti-Money Laundering - I.D Requirements

What happens if you don't have a Will in place? Download this graphic to help you advise your clients on the rules of Intestacy.

Have a question? Call us on 01522 500823 or email enquiries@btwc.co.uk

Online Training Modules

BTWC Associate Academy CPD Training Course

Have a question? Call us on 01522 500823 or email enquiries@btwc.co.uk

BTWC Members Client Instruction Forms

Instruction Forms

Are you looking for instruction forms, questionnaires and terms of business. You can download and use them all here.

BTWC Members Client Instruction Forms

Training Resources

Are you looking for training resources and videos, to help you learn more about estate planning. 

BTWC Estate Planning Marketing & Lead Generation

Marketing Resources

If you are looking for help and support with your marketing and lead generation plus our client product guides you will find them here.

BTWC Product Guides

Product Guides

Are you looking for adviser product guides? You can download 12 product guides here to help you understand each product offering and how to explain it to your clients.

BTWC Members Client Instruction Forms

Video Content & Recordings

Are you looking for training resources and videos, to help you learn more about estate planning. You will also find recordings of the Quarterly Updates here.

BTWC Additional Resources

Additional Resources

Any other additional membership resources will be under here. Check this area out before contacting the team.