
01522 500823

Coronavirus (COVID19) Business Statement

In light of the changing situation regarding the Coranavirus outbreak and the anticipated escalation of a government response from “containment” to “delay”, we wanted to take this opportunity to reassure our advisers and clients of our efforts to maintain essential service delivery.

The safety of our dedicated team is of paramount importance and we therefore have enabled alternative working practices to be utilised in the event of any restrictions imposed at a government level. This means we are making best efforts to maintain business as usual.

We are mindful that we support a range of businesses from large networks to sole traders across the country and have a responsibility to ensure we provide certainty to you and your clients in uncertain times. We are committed to ensuring you and your clients experience minimal disruption but must advise that there are likely to be delays for any cases involving government departments such as the Land Registry or Probate Registry that will be out of our control.

We appreciate that clients will still require your support and advice but you may wish to make alternative arrangements to your usual face-to-face contact such as virtual meetings or telephone meetings. We will issue guidance very shortly about how you can conduct client meetings of this nature whilst still ensuring our minimum requirements are met in terms of mental capacity, data security and anti-fraud measures.

We appreciate your support during these challenging conditions and wish to reassure you that we will continue to do all we can to help you maintain your businesses and service your clients.

Should you have any questions, you can contact our Directors amy.peters@btwc.co.uk or trevor.cross@btwc.co.uk or call 01522 500823

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