
01522 500823

Considerations for Charitable Gifts in a Will

Considerations for Charitable Gifts in a Will

Every year in the UK, people leave approximately £2.8 billion in charitable donations within their Wills. Donations such as these are the largest single source of voluntary income to the charity sector and are therefore incredibly important, many charities would not...
Your guide to Property Protection Trusts

Your guide to Property Protection Trusts

A property protection trust is designed to help clients protect their share in a property in the future. Typically, when a couple owns a house together and one partner dies, their share passes to the surviving spouse or partner. Whilst this would appear practical,...
What triggers your clients to need a Will?

What triggers your clients to need a Will?

How many of your clients are currently experiencing any of the following life changing scenarios? Do they need your help and assistance? Lifestyle events that may trigger your client's need for a Will...   They have recently married or entered into a civil...